Bath Comedy Festival has become the first 'F' Rated UK Comedy Festival.
Following Bath Film Festival’s famous ‘F’ rating - the feminist rating applied to films with a significant female crew, a strong independent female lead (or simply featuring women not just talking about men!) - Bath Comedy Festival was proud to become the first ‘F’ rated United Kingdom comedy festival in 2015, and continues to expand its support of female comedy.
The world of stand-up comedy was traditionally and erroneously perceived to be dominated by male performers. However, Bath Comedy Festival's core programme includes:
- At least one female act every day throughout the festival.
- At least one female comic in every multiple line-up.
- At least two female contestants in each heat of the New Act Competition, and female compères.
- Female judges on the panel for the New Act Competition final.
Bath Comedy Festival director Nick Steel says "This is anything but tokenism. Our ‘F’ also stands for ‘Funny’. There are many highly accomplished and very funny women out there, and by applying this rating system to our core programme, we aim to show that once and for all!"
Amongst the many female performers at the 2018 Bath Comedy Festival are:
Diane Spencer, Viv Groskop, Sarah Bennetto, Sameena Zehra, Ashley Storrie, Janey Godley, Rachel Parris and Zoe Lyons.
See the events diary pages for more.