Visit the 'what's on' section of this website then click on the event name for full details and information on how to book, including online booking links and telephone numbers.
The easiest way to book tickets is online, though if you prefer to use the telephone, Brown Paper Tickets operate a 24hr Freefone service (see below).
There are some useful contact details below but please go to the 'what's on' section to confirm the booking arrangements for the particular events you are interested in.
The majority of events are available through Bath Comedy Festival's Box Office Partner Brown Paper Tickets - a fair trade online ticketing company who offer the best deal for online bookings. Physical tickets can be posted to you free of charge, or you can print your own at home, or there are other electronic options.
Web: http://www.brownpapertickets.com
24hr Freephone: 0800 411 8881
A few events will be on sale at
Bath Box Office
Bridgwater House, Terrace Walk, Bath BA1 1LN
Tel: 01225 463362
Web: www.bathboxoffice.org.uk
Other venue-specific box office details are shown below:
Bath Forum
1a Forum Buildings, St James Parade
Bath BA1 1UG
Tel: 0844 888 9991
Web: www.bathforum.co.uk
22-23 Westgate Street
Bath BA1 1EP
Tel: 01225 489070
Web: www.komedia.co.uk/bath