The Bath Comedy Festival has been designed to attract the cream of cutting edge comedy and to encourage stand up, street theatre, film, plays, writers, artists, workshops, walks and general humorous invention.
To create a truly memorable festival full of anticipation and comic firsts, we aim to promote everyone from leading headline stars to innovative fledgling acts who will become the greats of the future.
Our Comedy Festival team directly chooses, promotes and produces a core series of shows centred on specific venues, plus such fabulous one-offs such as The Wine Arts Trail and The Bath Plug Award. We also programmes a run of “pay-what-you-feel” shows, where the audience can guarantee a seat by buying a ticket in advance, or get free entry on the day and put a contribution in the bucket on exit (all proceeds go directly to the performer).
The Festival also operates an ‘open door’ programme policy, inviting everyone who is bold or crazy or downright funny enough to run their own events as part of this Festival feast. Details of how to join in are shown below:
Minimal up front costs
For the open access part of the programme, all we ask is for is an admin fee of £50 per act to give you a section in the official printed programme including photo, description and all key facts (see below), and booking details. These details will also appear in the What's On section of this website.
The Festival will issue an invoice, and the fee can be paid by BACS (or by cheque, made payable to 'Bath Comedy Festival' and posted to Bath Comedy Festival, 4a Sussex Place, Bath BA2 4LA).
In Return
We would be grateful for a few reserved seats which we can offer to sponsors and we can give away as prizes via the media.
To book your act
Choose your venue, organise your support and post your admin fee (see above).
Remember, because this is an open access festival it is often a case of 'first come'.
Key Deadlines
Provide us with details of your booking including artwork as soon as it is made so that we can place your details on this website straightaway.
Note the final deadline to submit artwork for our printed programme is Monday 12th February 2018.
Email photograph, name of act, title of event, description of event, total ticket prices (including any Box Office commission), date(s) and venue to mail@bathcomedy.com for uploading onto this website as soon as you are able (Note final printing deadline above).
Box Office Charges
We can organise ticketing via Brown Paper Tickets and/or Bath Box Office if you require it. NB: Some venues have their own box office arrangements.
Please email us for details of commission and arrangements.
If you plan to sell tickets at the door please email this information together with your artwork.
Bath offers a wonderful and eclectic range of venues from dedicated comedy favourites to Georgian theatres and more intimate pub settings. Each offers different benefits and opportunities, and again we can advise on this - just email us or click here to find out more.